Indie Authors Arise!

Indie authors arise!
There is a runaway train in our midst and it is only us that can put on the brakes.
The train is called KDP Select. It is now set up so that it will rip-off any participating author. Take the page pay system that they implemented recently… Even if a reader completes your book, the chances you will get paid at full asking price is next to zero. Amazon determines your payment through their own system. I does not benefit the author, you can be sure.
The withdrawal of Oyster is only the latest casualty.
If you have books on KDP Select, please reconsider and take control of your work. Exclusivity only benefits Amazon and there are many avenues for distribution out there – Smashwords being one.

We need to band together to control our destiny.

Here’s a blog post by Smashwords founder Mark Coker which gives his perspective on the whole deal:

