Craft Faire 2 update — well kind of

Well, since I haven’t updated in nearly a month, I’ll just put in a quick one…

Craft Faire Love book 2 is moving along briskly. I’ve had to rewrite much of it and actually deleted a couple chapters, but since it’s never been published, nobody will ever know.

I finally read the chapter I wrote to be the last chapter and now have a direction to write the rest of it. I think it will be a great sequel to book 1, but I may be biased.

Speaking of book 1, I have it all back from the proofreader but haven’t made any corrections yet because I’m so involved with book 2 … (With ADD, I have to maintain focus or it’s gone… I’ll get back to book 1 when I’m finished with 2)…

Speaking of getting back — Both books of Deanna are  complete, but still on the back burner pending the final review… it will  be after CFL2… I’ll probably have 4 new books out in the space of a month or two (all adult content), but only because they’re already in the can waiting for my brain to run down on CFL2….

Hang in there — it’s happening, but slowly….


pj    25Sep2014

Craft Faire Love book 1 – finished, well almost

Craft Faire Love is finished. The re-write is complete! Yay!!! Off to the proofreader and editor then one more read through for me. Should be released in a couple months.

Book 2 is underway — Much of what I wrote previously needs to be rewritten for various reasons, but unlike my “Girls” series, the sequel will carry on with adult activities just as in book 1.

More when it’s ready!