All posts by pacojones

Indie Authors Arise!

Indie authors arise!
There is a runaway train in our midst and it is only us that can put on the brakes.
The train is called KDP Select. It is now set up so that it will rip-off any participating author. Take the page pay system that they implemented recently… Even if a reader completes your book, the chances you will get paid at full asking price is next to zero. Amazon determines your payment through their own system. I does not benefit the author, you can be sure.
The withdrawal of Oyster is only the latest casualty.
If you have books on KDP Select, please reconsider and take control of your work. Exclusivity only benefits Amazon and there are many avenues for distribution out there – Smashwords being one.

We need to band together to control our destiny.

Here’s a blog post by Smashwords founder Mark Coker which gives his perspective on the whole deal:



I see it’s been awhile…

It’s been a while since I’ve updated… wow!

All the books I’ve published are now in the variable font Times New Roman. Some people apparently have issues with a fixed width font, so I changed it. Most books are published in Times New Roman anyway, so as is usual, I was bucking the trend.

“A Learning Experience (Deanna book 1)” and “Tara’s Nightmare (Deanna book 2)” have now been published to and Contains adult content.

“Craft Faire Love (CFL book 1)” and “A View Beyond (CFL book 2)” are also now on and Contains adult content.

I did a major rewrite of Castaway Island, adding some and changing the epilogue to set up the new book I’m working on – Name is yet to be determined, but tentatively it’s Zardoc (but it really doesn’t fit).

The story picks up that the Council has decided to eliminate all the humans on the earth. Jayna and Samantha have been doing yeoman’s work making the necessary changes, but there are just too many left. The Council wants to just sterilize again, but both Jayna and Samantha object, say no, and insist they move humans somewhere. So a planet in a far universe has been set up to move the humans to. Uulat wil be just like home.  At the same time, the exceptionally hyper-advanced hybrids are being moved to pods and will re-populate the earth once the Council gives the okay. The new book follows one such pod and it’s inhabitants through the many years before they return.  Unlike Castaway Island, his book will have adult content.

That’s about it from “authorpacojones” world. You can find me on twitter @authorpacojones. Not too enamored with twitter, but I do post some updates every so often. Paco Jones is also on Facebook. If I didn’t do my book promotions on FB, I’d be gone from there.

Hopefully, I’ll update this blog sooner next time…

keep reading – and to those who have purchased my books, thank you for your support. Please go back to the vendors and update your copies every so often to make sure you get the corrections I seem to be constantly doing… Still don’t accept that they’ll never be perfect!

Until then, take care… cheers,


The View Beyond – Craft Faire Love book 2 published

The View Beyond – Craft Faire Love Book 2 was sent to Amazon and Smashwords and is presently available on Smashwords. It’ll probably be tomorrow or Tuesday before it goes “live” on Amazon.

This is the last one for now. I have nothing else in the queue but a lot of ideas on things to do… It will probably be at least 6 months before I have anything close to ready…

paco jones

Tara’s Nightmare & Beyond – Deanna Book 2 – published

Tara’s Nightmare & Beyond — Deanna Book 2

Continuing the Deanna story, after “A Learning Experience”, Tara leaves for one last trip to Asia. After a long night of fun and frolic, she is ready for a nap by the time she gets to her first class seat on the plane. The few adult beverages she consumed didn’t hurt the desire for sleep.
Once asleep, Tara begins a dream, a nightmare. She revisits the day, long past, when she had to hide Dee from her father. In a drunken episode, his threats, then his pursuit of Dee was the last straw. After her trip, she wanders until she finds the Bay Club, a place she knows he would never look.
Marie takes her under a wing and after hearing Tara’s story, calls a roommate for help. Tom appears, a knight in shining armor, and using some of his “special skills”, apprehends the abuser. On to a trial that sends him to prison for the rest of his life. You know what they say … life is short.
There is some domestic violence described, but in the end, you will stand up and cheer for the “white hat” when the abuser gets what is coming to him. It is short, does not include the child, but necessary to tell the story. The nightmare does end and Tara, Dee, and Tom go on with life.
Dee and Tom’s relationship continues to blossom, and they decide to tie the knot when Tara returns. They invite her to stay with them once she has completed her assignment, so it turns into one more iteration of Tom and Tara’s long relationship. Dee returns to the learning experience to help Tom, Marie and Lisa deal with their past.
The story includes some references to other Paco Jones stories when some of the characters cross paths with each other. It makes for some interesting situations and hopes for peaked curiosity.

A Learning Experience – Deanna Book 1 – Published

*** Adult Fiction by Paco Jones ***

A Learning Experience – Deanna book 1
By Paco Jones

Tara needed to find someone to take care of Deanna while she was working overseas. She knew she’d be gone for an extended period, so it needed to be someone she trusted.
Dee was adamant that she wanted to stay with Tom while her mother was gone. Mom knew of Dee’s feelings and her ulterior motives in the request, but could not discount Deanna’s feelings or wishes.
Tara and Tom go back more than ten years and both held a secret that Dee didn’t know yet. Only some of the secret comes out here, but enough that Dee is very surprised, but not deterred in her true feelings or her ultimate objective.
Tara had met Tom during some ugly times in her life while he was living with four very beautiful gay women. There were special relationships in the house that Tara became part of temporarily. Once the crisis was over, she moved along, but still maintained her love for Tom.
Unfortunately, for both it was an arm’s length love because of other forces, but when Deanna met Tom, Tara knew immediately that she had a problem. Dee was in love.
Tara knew of Dee’s devoted love for Tom, she’d known since Dee was eight. Deanna was nearly sixteen when she had to leave and she knew that Dee could be very persuasive, but trusted Tom. She knew that in the end, he would do the right thing.
She also knew what Dee wanted and that by leaving her with Tom, she’d be essentially giving her up.
There are many twists and turns in the love that Dee feels for Tom, and “friends” are walking in and out allowing both Tom and Dee to keep things engaging. When Tara was added to the mix, it gets very interesting indeed.
It took Dee two years to break him down, but break him down she did, and thus began a very tender love story while Dee and others were the full beneficiaries of Tom’s extraordinary “Learning Experience”.



CFL2 underway… to sell books direct

CFL2 is on its way to the proofer. Still have to figure a cover for CFL1, but we’re on the way…

Started working on Deanna book 1 again today. It’ll be published as soon as I’m finished with my final edit. Then on to Deanna book 2.  They’re both finished except for final edit (my final read).

*** Okay — I’m working on being able to offer my books for download on the website. Stay tuned for progress reports.

Paypal will be the billing interface at least initially, but I believe it’s set so that you do not have to have a PayPal account to use your card. Testing to be done.

I’ve got the .pdf files uploaded and checked, so it’s a matter of uploading the other 3 offerings.

I wanted to be able to offer you, my paying reader, the book in all three formats if that’s what you wanted. Apparently, using the program I’m using for the application, the only way to do that is zip the 5 books (which means as I release others, they’ll be added to the .zip archive) and offer them as a single download, so initially that’s what it will be. They will be offered in .pdf, ePub,  .mobi (kindle), and .zip which will include all books.

I’m sure there’s a way to make it work the way I want, but I’m not a php programmer, so I’ll have to poke away at it until I figure it out…

Stay tuned for updates!!! And as always, thank you for your support! (Please, if you read the book and like it, put a review on Amazon! I really appreciate it.)




Hey — CFL2 is coming along well. Nearly finished with my read before sending it off to edit.

Once that’s out of the way, I can go back to final read for Deanna 1&2. Both have covers and will be out as soon as I’m finished my final. CFL2 has a cover, but I’m having a heck of a time finding images to work with on CFL1. I have some time, but it’s a tough one.

Hang in there – they’re almost there…

In the meantime enjoy my other 5 books – thank you for your support


Craft Faire book 2

WOW!!! Having major issues with disconnects. I wrote it over a year ago and needed to change about 90% of it.

With the exception of Mile High, all of my books are tied together — loosely, but the characters “know each other”…  AND that created an issue because I hooked up characters in CFL2 that were already hooked up in “Shouting” so I had to unhook them and move on.

Still love the story – I think the ending is going to be a shocker for a lot of people, but hey, that’s what it’s all about…

So it’ll be a while longer… Damn… But, we’ll get there…


Craft Faire 2 update — well kind of

Well, since I haven’t updated in nearly a month, I’ll just put in a quick one…

Craft Faire Love book 2 is moving along briskly. I’ve had to rewrite much of it and actually deleted a couple chapters, but since it’s never been published, nobody will ever know.

I finally read the chapter I wrote to be the last chapter and now have a direction to write the rest of it. I think it will be a great sequel to book 1, but I may be biased.

Speaking of book 1, I have it all back from the proofreader but haven’t made any corrections yet because I’m so involved with book 2 … (With ADD, I have to maintain focus or it’s gone… I’ll get back to book 1 when I’m finished with 2)…

Speaking of getting back — Both books of Deanna are  complete, but still on the back burner pending the final review… it will  be after CFL2… I’ll probably have 4 new books out in the space of a month or two (all adult content), but only because they’re already in the can waiting for my brain to run down on CFL2….

Hang in there — it’s happening, but slowly….


pj    25Sep2014