Books by Paco Jones

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*** The Tahoe Files - Craft Faire Love book 2 -- Adult Content ***

*** Adult Fiction by Paco Jones***

Having a growing family, they needed to move and build a house. Raising and educating the kids was the main priority, but maintaining their personal security was high on the list.

Once they've moved to the area and found a place to build a new house, the girls go to work helping Melinda earn her doctorate. The project is so complex and innovative, it can earn the PhD, but it's not a gimme. All three of the ladies are full of surprises, which keeps Bob shaking his head in happy disbelief.

Bob teaches Hailey to fly, which gets them into some interesting adventures, especially when daughters Eloise and Tricia take lessons too. Trips, tests, and new flying machines, are only part of the intrigue.

Following one adventure, it appears Bob's cover has been compromised. He and Sandy take care of business, making a short, temporary visitation to their past lives in Navy Special Operations. Beforehand however, Bob flashes back to a few of their Special Operations missions, ending with their final foray ... their mission from hell.

In the end, Bob and Sandy are unexpectedly told they needed to make a trip to Washington, a place they were instructed never to set foot in again.


So were Bob, Sandy, and the girls, but at least for Bob and Sandy, they could finally get off their lifelong emotional rollercoaster and begin a more "normal" life - whatever that is.

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"The Tahoe Files - Craft Faire Love - book 2" - Adult Content

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"The Tahoe Files - Craft Faire Love - book 2" - Adult Content

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*** This page last updated: October 2020 ***

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Dr. Paco Jones
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